
Placeholder ImageHi there! Day 2 on my blog. There’s so much to write about and it’s becoming a bit overwhelming now, specially after going through pages of pro bloggers. I should probably just make this as a personal project for now, while I am getting used to this world, rather than expecting to get a gazillion readers right away. No pressure!

The first time that I got a little sense of what blogging is – was when I saw the movie Julie and Julia, which stars Amy Adams and Meryl Streep. Amy’s character writes about recipes from Meryl’s cookbook. It’s based from a true story and at one point, Amy wrote something like “anyone, anybody?” ย towards the end of her post because she felt like she was writing and sending stuff to space. Which is exactly how it feels like now! I enrolled myself to a blogging crash course and was successful with completing my first assignment which was to post my first blog and add tags to it. So, that was pretty easy but the next ones might not be and I really want to commit to this thing, so wish me luck! (It still feels like talking to the void ๐Ÿ˜‘). Anyway, I have visited site pages of local celebrities such as Maggie Wilson, Cat Arambulo, and Andi Manzano. Theirs are far more glam than mine and they probably spent money and hired a team too. I just got the basic free plan though and started my blog with just my iphone, so it still feels like such a huge accomplishment for me! Yey me! ๐Ÿ˜Š So…I’ll probably just wait for my second task today and will brainstorm on my 3rd post. Goodluck to us new bloggers!

First blog post

First blog post

Hello World! I’ve been wanting to write stuff about random things for quite some time now – well actually ever since I got pregnant last year – But I kept making excuses and honestly, was too lazy to do it. I figured though that it’s never to late to do something that you really like ๐Ÿ™‚ I wanted to share stuff about being a new mom and wife. I just got married January 2016 – that was after we found out that we were finally having a baby!

I didn’t really draft this, so am writing at the top of my head. Please bear with me (very call center hehe). I found out that I was having a baby after a pregnancy test done early in the morning – well that was the instruction from the PT kit, which was to collect urine first thing when you wake up. And so I did, at first I thought that I didn’t care much about it until I waited for the lines to appear on my test kit. It probably took 5 seconds but it felt longer as I waited and was kinda disappointed while doing so because the second line didn’t appear right away. Different thoughts went through my head – am I really just getting fat? Am I sick or something? I missed my period for over a month now…and then the second line came out. It was just pure delight and joy. I ran to my husband and showed him the positive result. I’ll always remember the look on my husband’s face – he had a big smile and we hugged. It was an awesome day, and that was just the beginning of many more awesome days to come. Welcome to my blog!